pink silk pants but no money
Taxi to the Dong Si Da Xing Textile Company with Barbara and Jinny. I order pink silk pants, custom made after a pair I bought at H&M (made in Malaysia) for NOK 149 before departure. I pay 250 Yuan (=NOK) - contemplate that... Then, a long cab ride to Lido Hotel to take some cash. The machine prompts: incorrect password. Depressed and broke I tag along to the Art Supply Stores by the Central Art Academy and nearby artist owned restaurant where sister Barbara buys me lunch. Back home sister Jinny lets me use her computer and I recover the password and jump in a taxi back to Lido. I repeat the password a thousand times in my mind before nervously inserting my card. Will the machine eat it? Happiness at the familiar clicking sound of the cash dispenser.
Sister Beatriz photographs Barbara and me wearing a red scarf. It is Barbara's last night and she has invited everybody for dinner. Our Chinese friends order and the food is delicious and plentiful.
Sister Beatriz photographs Barbara and me wearing a red scarf. It is Barbara's last night and she has invited everybody for dinner. Our Chinese friends order and the food is delicious and plentiful.