virus - exquisite crisis and encounters

i am invited to participate in a 24 hour skype project: Exquisite Crisis that started at midnight Norwegian time and 6 pm New York time. The project includes 10 invited participants from around the world and their invited guests. The topic is the LA riot 15 years later "to see what a period of time may generate of questions, discussions and creative output among people who may not share the same background (whether talking about first hand experience, profession, race, class, gender, age, etc) that a platform is given and maybe something will generate from that and a network... perhaps, for further meetings, sharing knowledge, experience" (jane jin kaisen)
unfortunately these 24 hours coincided with a stomach virus that has plagued the residency from house to house causing much discomfort. i was laying on a mattress in the studio the entire time, partly participating in the continuous chat and partly passing out twisting and turning in pace with my stomach. for anyone interested in the Exquisite Crisis there is a blog, a website and an exhibition at the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU, 7th Floor Gallery at 41-51 East 11th Street, NY, NY, February 15 - May 31, 2007.
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